War on Women!

war on women1Who are the Presidential Candidates who are afraid to tell the voters they will not force women into the military, including to the front lines into combat?

Who is the one remaining Candidate who has stated he will not force women into the Military?

Google it for yourself!

After campaigning for a year all the Candidates should have let the voters know where they stand on this issue!

If it takes a year for a Commander in Chief candidate to make a simple basic decision, those persons are not qualified for the position!

If the remaining Presidential candidates would fill out the questionnaire for a basic low level Security Clearance without their names on it, one of the Candidates would not receive that clearance.

Can you guess which candidate that would be?

3 thoughts on “War on Women!”

  1. Your blog subject on women in the military is very interesting. I will be following your blog post.

      1. Hillary would not legal meet the requirements for a low level Security Clearance if her papers were filled out without her name. There were requirements established that she failed to comply with when she used an improper server. She put people and the mission of Ambassador Stevens in danger by failing to understand the dangers.
        She did not tell the truth about what we knew about the attack in Benghazi that took place! She miss lead the country. She did not have the resources in place to properly defend Americans in danger. She had the ability to impact and send in Americans who were willing to help defend and very probably save lives, but she and others delayed help available!

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